Crisis Intervention

Any communication with a Peer Team Member or information shared on this website is CONFIDENTIAL.

Your privacy is a
major priority to the Peer Team. What you choose to share, stays between you and that Peer Team Member.

  • If you are in an environment or state of mind where you are considering killing yourself, get help now!
    Call a member of the
    -LCFD peer support team
    or call the
    -24/7 IAFF hotline.

  • If you have found yourself in a situation where you are lacking basic neccisties, like food and place to sleep, the peer team can help.
    Call a LCFD Peer Team member HERE.

  • If you want to talk, we want to listen. The peer team certainly doesn’t have all the answers however, by simply sharing what you are going through with someone else the burden becomes lighter and the journey towards peace and healing can begin.

    You can contact any member of the LCFD peer team HERE or click the button below and we will have someone reach out to you.

  • If you are aware of a crisis situation but unsure what to do, the peer team can help. Call a LCFD peer team member HERE or click the button below and we will reach out to you.