Did you know that the brain accounts for around 20% of our total daily energy requirements?

Healthy eating can lead to:

Decreased Stress


Better Concentration


Improved Sleep Quality


Better Overall Mood


Decreased Stress | Better Concentration | Improved Sleep Quality | Better Overall Mood |

Eating EPICC means Emphasizing eating whole foods, Prioritizing quality proteins, Incorporate lots of vegetables, be Cautious of processed foods, and being Conscious of what you eat.

  • If you need a snack on your way home from a transfer and you stop at a gas station instead of grabbing some chips or a pack of donuts grab a pack of hard boiled eggs and/or some jerky.

    Set yourself and your crew up for success. Go grocery shopping before shift or as early into your shift as possible.

    Did you know the peer support website is full of easy to make, super healthy recipes, designed specifically for firefighters?

    Visit the nutrition section of the website to try one out!

Planning Your Nutrition

Nutrition can be super confusing and can make or brake your wellness goals. Yes, I really mean brake. It has been said that you can't outwork a bad diet, and where this is true, it's not an all-or-nothing situation. A poor diet can slow your fitness progress, but you'd have to try very hard to counteract a good training regimen completely. No, that is not a challenge for people to accept. So where is a good place to start when exploring nutrition? Having a plan!
2 simple tools to help make a plan are the hand method and the clock method.

The hand method uses none other than your hand. Every meal should have enough protein to match your palm in both diameter and thickness. Next, use your whole hand, fingers included, to dish up your vegetables. Your vegetable should take up the same space as if you placed your hand on the plate. Last, make a fist, your healthy fats and or starchy vegetables should take up the same amount of space as the bottom part of your first.

The clock method starts by imagining an analog clock on your plate. Now set the time for 09:20. The largest section of the plate is for vegetables, followed by protein in the second largest, and healthy fats/starchy vegetables in the smallest. 

Nutrition is an ongoing process, and it is important you try your best and don't beat yourself up if you have a cheat meal or two. Consistent, small, and sustainable changes will add up over time to equal a well-balanced approach to food and nutrition. You don't have to suffer through meal after meal of dry chicken and rice to meet your wellness goals.

Need more advice on nutrition? Reach out to a Peer Support Team Member, we would love to help! MEET THE TEAM


